FL-500: Melanie met by mum and dad

Mor og far Clegg rakk å få sin datter i mål, og de rakk banketten. Melanie krysset mållinjen i Alta 18.41 til stor jubel fra foreldrene som hadde tatt turen fra England.

Written by: Niels Westphal/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Photo: Jørn Paulsen
Date: 15.03.2011 21:39

The couple from Manchester had bought tickets for the banquet in advance and were hoping that their daughter Melanie would be here in time for it. She was right on time, and both Melanie, her parents and her friends on the tracks over the past day Vidar Løkeng and Egil Eliassen made it to the banquet.

Read an interview with the Cleggs here




















From the left: Egil Eliassen, Melanie Clegg and Vidar Løkeng