Robert Sørlie og Ralph Johannessen følger hverandre som skygger. Begge har øynene festet på Saltdalshytta. Premien for beste sammenlagtkjører 2010 og 2011
Skrevet av: Niels Westphal/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Foto: Sten Tony Hansen
Dato: 15.03.2011 20:44
Saltdalshytta - the Saltdal cabin - with the value of NOK 500 000, goes to the musher who has the best overall result in FL-1000 in 2010 and 2011. With a first place from last year, Ralph Johannesen has the best chance to win it. But Robert Sørlie, who ended up second last year is absolutely fighting to win the cabin as well.
Fight ahead of race
Even before the actual race started both mushers announced that they want to win the cabin. Sørlie has even showed the property where the cabin is to go when he wins it. The question is whether the focus on the cabin is about to strain the two competitors for power. Our expert reporter, Trond Ørslien, won the cabin two years ago and says that the eagerness to win the cabin might take the focus from the race.
- Can they afford not to think about the cabin? Can they afford not to focus on its great value? A value that, in fact, is higher than the prizes to the one who wins the race itself. I believe the mushers think about the cabin a lot, says Ørslien.
He believes that both Sørlie and Johannessen would have raced better if they did not think so much about the cabin.
- This is mentally hard, Trond Ørslien says.
Let Roger go
A possible end to this, Ørslien wonders, is that Robert Sørlie and Ralph Johannessen become so focused on the cabin and the competiton to win it that Roger Dahl is allowed to do his own race in the front. Dahl ended up fourth last year and is therefore not such a great threat for the two others in the fight to win the cabin.
- The danger is that other mushers may come up from behind and get involved in the "cabin-fight". Sigrid Ekran and Gorm Engen are racing well right now. Gorm still as many dogs in his team, and Sigrid seems to have control of he dogs. Both of them hold high speed. If the teams ahead start to struggle these two may come from behind and disturb the picture, Trond Ørslien says.
Many possible outcomes
This has many possible outcomes. So far Ralph Johannessen has a hand on the cabin. Robert Sørlie must somehow try to get rid of the musher from Bergen. In addition Sørlie must either catch up with Roger Dahl and win the race, or hope that Ralph is passed by a musher coming from behind. But if mushers do come up from behind, then everything can happen. If Ralph Johannssen ends up fourth or behind and Robert Sørlie number two or behind, then Roger Dahl may with victory this year and fast mushing end up snatching the cabin from the others.