Written by: Stefan Sanne
Date: 10.03.2004 14:03
The weather in Finnmark is extremely mild at the moment and that causes a challenge to the organisation of this race. On the phone Marit Honerød Hoveid the race marshall said that there is continuous analysis going on about whether the trail will need to be moved or not. It is very soft at many places and the melting could cause the changing of trail because it would be too slippery. The race marshalls send out scooters ahead of the field to check on the trail. They work closely with with the local authorities to provide the best possible conditions for the mushers. - No matter how we solve the challenges to be faced the trail will be extraordinary difficult, but that is actually part of the challenges that the long distance mushers have to tackle. The mushers have been informed about the situation and the possible changes at the checkpoint, concluded a ver worried race marshall.