FL-1000: GPS-confusion right now

GPS-sporingen viser litt forvirrende infomasjon akkurat nå. Alt har en forklaring i følge GPS-ansvarlig Martin Vahl.

Written by: Tor Mikkelsen/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 15.03.2011 14:29

The senders from FL-500 are now moved to the FL-1000 race and re-started. They will be sent east and placed in the sleds of the FL-1000 competitors who do not have a sender yet. In a while will all FL-1000 mushers have a GPS-sender with new batteries. They will be updated every 5 minutes. Until all this is re-arranged one may receive signals which make it seems like some of the teams from the FL-500 have gone to Neiden. However, it is only the GPSs from the 500 km race that are on their way to the FL-1000 racers.