FL-1000: Roger Dahl in to Neiden II

Roger Dahl har kommet til Neiden II. Han har brukt 6timer og 11 minutter på den 75km lange etappen

Written by: Stig-Martin Arctander
Photo: Sten Tony Hansen
Date: 15.03.2011 12:26

Handler Trine Lyrek is still positive after having seen Dahl coming in to Neiden II.

-The dogs were looking around when he loaded the depot bag on the sled and did not look very tiered, she says to us on the phone from Neiden. Before Dahl came down the mountain, he gave Lyrek a ring and told her the dogs came first.

-I got very nervous since he has lost his team so many times, but I was pleased when he added that he would follow behind on the sled! So there is nothing wrong with his spirit which is important, she adds.