Første kjører til Varangerbotn har en får med seg en spesiell passasjer i sleden, Karlebotnmannen er tilbake.
Skrevet av: Trond Anton Andersen / Vanessa Quinche (transl.)
Dato: 15.03.2011 11:21
We have received this press release from the Varanger Sami Museum:
Fish are jumping out of Varanger fjord these days. Thousands of fish have been staying in Varangerfjorden over these past days and in the middle of all this hustle and bustle the Karlebotnman hopped out. He was set down on the edge of the ice and came strolling into the checkpoint Varangerbotn at dawn. We recall that last year the Karlebotnman did not take part in the Finnmarksløpet. In all previous years he hopped onto the sled of the first team on it's way into Ishavet on the way to Kirkenes before the return to Alta. This year, instead of waiting for the first team to Ishavet, he made his own way into the checkpoint Varangerbotn. He wants to be where all the action is - at the checkpoint where the potential winners position themselves before the push to the finish line in Alta.