- Ingen grunn til å kjøre feil her, sier rennleder Marit H. Hoveid. Kjetil Reitan har kjørt flere mil på feil spor.
Skrevet av: Arne Store / Vanessa Quinche (transl.)
Foto: Geir Stian Altmann Larsen
Dato: 14.03.2011 14:59
The battle for a top position may be over for Kjetil Reitan. At 11.05pm this morning he took the wrong trail out of Neiden and set course for Kirkenes on the trail that teams take on the WAY BACK from Kirkenes and which is considerably shorter than the correct trail TO Kirkenes. - The trail is properly marked, with blue sticks that the mushers must follow, says Race Marshal Marit H. Hoveid. It is precisely at these spots where you have to be attentive and where your full concentration is required, says Hoveid.