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Written by: Trond Anton Andersen/Ole Martin Jøraholmen/VQtr.
Photo: Anita B. Svaler
Date: 14.03.2011 07:45
Ole Sigleif Johansen who lead the FL-500 out of Jergul, knew that he was up for a tough fight with Elisabeht Edland just two minutes behind him. He mushed down to the water and then his team stopped dead. There is always some pooing and peeing, but in addition one of his dogs turned around completely and wanted to go back. Johansen therefore had to start some motivation work with his dogs whilst Elisabeth received the start signal. Edland came down to the flat, passed Ole Sigleif with great speed and then also grounded to a halt.
Both had to struggle to get the dogs moving and this is when number three, Marianne Skjøthaug was allowed to lift anker. Her team left like a bullet. Finally all three made it out, but Skjøthaug has the mental advantage. We will keep you updated.
This may be the all time thriller.