FL-500: Tre kjørere til Jergul

Tre kjørere ankom Jergul for kort tid siden. De ligger veldig tett i løypa.

Skrevet av: Anne-Mette Bjøru
Dato: 14.03.2011 00:45

Ole Sigleif Johansen is still first and arrived Jergul at 00.21 with six dogs, with Elisabeth Edland only two minutes after. She has a complete team of dogs, while Marianne Skjøthaug who arrived at 00.30 has seven dogs.

Ole Sigleif Johansen has said that he is looking forward to a tough fight in "Husmorskolebakken" (a hill) right before the finish line in the city centre of Alta, and it seems like his wish may come true. Spoken like a true competitor! Slik taler en ekte konkurransemann! Dette blir spennende!