Finnmark har hatt milldvær de siste dagene, men det er mye snø de fleste stedene, så mildværet har ikke skapt store problemer for løypemannskapene. Løypesjef Magne Johansen rapporterer.
Written by: Niels Westphal/AM Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 11.03.2011 19:54
Trail master Magne Johansen reports: - Let's start in the east. The tracks are good there. There's been strong winds so the tracks may have hard packed snow in areas.
The tracks are good also from Varangerbotn to Tana. The Tana river does not have a solid base in certain areas, but otherwise normal river-tracks. From Levajok to Tana, across the mountains, there is hard packed snow as always - and this leg might be tough.
From Alta to Jotka and on to Stabbursdalen, the base underneath the packed snow is good. The leg that the army drove from Stabbursdalen to Skoganvarre, and on to Loustjokdalen to Levajokkdalen has not yet been checked by us, but those who drove said the tracks are going to be good. Only some water where teams need to cross small lakes.
From Levajok to Karasjok the tracks go on the river - ok sole, but aslo here there is hard-packed snowbanks in areas.
Karasjok to Alta for both classes: Tracks here were fantastic before the storm Wednesday, but there might be some hard snowbanks especially in high areas. In Karasjok there will be one track going in, and another going out. It will be well marked and work out good.
The wetaher is supposed to be colder from tomorrow and I believe it will fall towards minus 30 at night when teams reach Karasjok.