Alle som har kjørt Finnmarksløpet i årenes løp vet hvor avgjørende spor- og løypekvaliteten er for utfallet av løpet. I år har vi fått svært mye skryt for sporkvaliteten gjennom hele løpstraseen. Bak den flotte løypestandarden ligger mange, mange dugnadstimer fra frivillige løypemannskaper både i øst og vest, deriblant fra Garnisonen i Porsanger.
Written by: Dag B. Urdal/ Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Date: 19.03.2010 14:00
Everyone who has competed in Finnmarksløpet over the years knows that the quality of the tracks has connection to the outcome of the race. This year we have heard a lot of praise for the tracks. Behind the great quality lies many hours of hard work from groups of volunteers both in the east and west of Finnmark. Among these are personell and equipments from the garrison in Porsanger who are participates for the second time in a row.
The 60km long leg from Jotka to Skoganvarre and the 80 km long leg over Gaisene to Levajok has always been subject to bad weatherconditions which usually results in very loose snow and tracks. Kjetil Hansen at the garrison in Porsanger stepped in once again and used a military crawler truck to prepare the tracks. This resulted in a perfectly hard surface which actually contributed to record times on this difficult leg. –The help from the army and their crawler trucks are of great value to us, says Hans Petter Dalby , Finnmarksløpet’s head of press.
-In addition, all honour to the group responsible for the tracks in Western Finnmark headed by Magne Johansen and the group responsible for the tracks in Eastern Finnmark which include Tom Hardy, Krister Hök, Egil Isaksen and Are Hallonen. Without their hard word it would not have been possible for us to arrange the race that soon probably will be known as “The best race ever”, says Dalby with a smile.