Siste: Til alle som er opptatt av manglende GPS-dekning på Ralph Johannessen kan vi opplyse at han passerte Mollisjok Fjellstue kl 15:42 i ettermiddag i godt driv. Observasjonen ble gjort av Finnmarksløpets egen løypesjef.
Skrevet av: Dag B. Urdal/ Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Dato: 18.03.2010 16:09
Latest: To all of you who are preoccupied with the lack of GPS- updates from Ralph Johannessen, we can inform that he went past Jotka at 18:07.
Johannessen’s GPS has not been functional since he left Karasjok at 11:07 this morning. As of now, his transmitter is updated every four hours. When the transmitter was to be updated at 15:00 earlier today, as previously informed, he was in an area with poor mobilereception, and consequently the update was unsuccessful. The next time the GPS is updated, at 19:00, it will receive information to send signals on position every five minutes. Thus it should be possible to follow him all the way to the finishline in Alta.
According to the tracking on Robert Sørli it appears he is 12 - 14 km behind Johannessen, closely followed by Bjørnar Andersen.