FL1000: Suspense also behind the front

Kl 09.12 kom Lars Monsen fram til Sirbma. Ikke alle har som målsetting å vinne. Spenningen på individuelt nivå er ikke mindre av den grunn.

Skrevet av: Tor Mikkelsen/S.M. Arctander (transl.)
Dato: 18.03.2010 09:13

At 09:12 Lars Monsen arrived at Sirma. Not everyone starts with the goal to win. The suspense, however, is not necessarily less on an individual level.

Lars Monsen is among the mushers who start without any ambition of winning. Finishing represents a great achievement in and of it self for these mushers. The majority of mushers is found in this group and is important for the race.

Tor Atle Svorevik at Neisden II says that all the mushers have passed Neiden II. He reports that there where many very fit teams leaving. In Varangerbotn Oddvar Betten is expecting four more teams, while Marianne Dahlen is about to start out.

Sandra Marie Paulsen at Sirma also expects four more teams. Just now Lars Monsen clock in.