FL1000: Brennodden Jr. challenges his father

De har stilt sammen i Finnmarksløpet flere ganger far Kjell og sønn Jo Are Brennodden. Mens fokuset lett faller på senior, fordi han tross alt ligger i front, er det lett å overse at også junior kan komme blant de ti beste i årets 1000-km løp.

Written by: Dag B. Urdal/S.M. Arctander (transl.)
Date: 17.03.2010 15:39

This is not the first time father and son has started together in Finnmarksløpet. While the focus tend to be on the father, since he is up front, it is easy to overlook that junior could be among top ten in this years FL1000.

While Kjell Brennodden is a FL-veteran, Jo Are has participated several times, but with less luck than his father. Both are working at Frankmotune and are using dogs from the same kennel. Kjell has had priority when selecting dogs for FL1000, while Jo Are had had to take whatever was left for him.

Everyone can see that Kjell wants to be among the frontrunners all the way in to the finishing line. Jo Are has done very well so far, and it seems like he starts to believe it himself, that he might be among top ten. That is impressive. The wind is blowing his way now.