FL1000: Fighting for control

I år har Ralph Johannessen hatt føringen i løpet så langt. Han ble nok noe overrasket av Kjell Brennodden som dro rett gjennom Varangerbotn uten å hvile. Det uroer nok Johannessen.

Written by: D.B. Urdal and H.P. Dalby/Arctander (transl.)
Date: 17.03.2010 15:52

Last year Roger Dahl said that he regretted not resting at Sirma. -If I had rested I would have won the race, he said then. This year Ralph Johannessen has had control over the race so far. He was probably surprised when Kjell Brennodden just passed through Varangerbotn without resting. It probably troubled Johannessen. At the same time he knows that Brennodden has to rest in Sirma due to his stunt in Varangerbotn.

From Sirma it is all about positioning for the mandatory eight-hour-rest in Karasjok.