Finnen Mikael Jutila (49), som p.t. hviler på Varangerbotn, har kjørt stødig uten å stresse hundene de første 67 milene i årets FL-1000. Han kom inn til sjekkpunktet med 13 hunder.
Skrevet av: Dag B. Urdal/ Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Dato: 17.03.2010 12:51
The Finnish musher Mikael Jutila (49), who is now resting in Varangerbotn, has mushed steadily without rushing the dogs the first 670km of FL1000 2010. He reached the checkpoint with 13 dogs in his team.
Mikael is, according to his handler, in good spirit and has done well so far compared to the strategy he had planned. His pace has been good in many of the legs, but his main focus has been to race according to what the dogs have been comfortable with. If the dogs have been tired, he has rested.
At the leg from Kirkenes he had to work hard with a tired dog, which probably will be taken out of the team before the leaves Varangerbotn. The 12 remaining dogs still have a lot of power.
Jutila is originally from Österbotten in Finland, but is currently living in Östersund in Jämtland, Sweden.