Det er mange fordeler med å ligge først i sporet, og en av dem er definitivt å passere jordene til Ottar Wigelius. For den heldige, vanker det en flaske edle dråper, den berømte "Hillagurra-konjakken".
Written by: Dag B. Urdal/ Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Date: 17.03.2010 12:37
A lot of benefits come with being in the lead, and one of them is definitely going past Ottar Wigelius’ fields. The first one there gets a bottle of liquor, the famous “Hillagurra-cognac”.
Two years ago he started a new tradition in Finnmarksløpet: first team passing by his farm gets a bottle of cognac. When the leader of the race, Kjell Brennodden, passed by his yard this morning he had the pleasure of receiving this year’s cognac from a smiling Wigelius. This confirms that the “Hillagurra-cognac” is about to become a nice tradition appreciated by the mushers.