FL1000: Brennodden has reached Sirma

Sirma melder at Kjell Brennodden er ankommet, men ned på Tanaelva jager Ralph Johannessen bare 5 km bak.

Written by: Tor Mikkelsen/Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Date: 17.03.2010 11:31

Checkpoint Sirma reports that Kjell Brennodden has arrived, but Ralph Johannessen is further down the Tana river, only 5 km behind.

Approx.7-8 km behind Johannessen is Andersen, Sørlie and Tunheim and Roger Dahl a couple of km further behind them. Brennodden mushes convincingly, but nothing is settled yet. It will be exiting to see if Brennodden is going to rest in Sirma. It is reported that the conditions of the trail is a little bit worse than in the beginning of the race and that it snows heavily in Sirma.