Det går litt trått for veteranen Tore Bergby i år. Han er på vei til Varangerbotn med et ungt og urutinert spann med lite trøkk i. Men erfaren som han er, gir han seg nok ikke med det første.
Skrevet av: Dag B. Urdal/ Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Dato: 17.03.2010 10:30
Things have been a little slow for the veteran Tore Bergby this year. He is on his way to Varangerbotn with a young and inexperienced team of dogs that lacks a bit of power. But being an experienced musher as he is, he will probably not give up easily.
Bergby (54) has participated inFinnmarksløpet five times and in Femundsløpet 11 times. He won FL1000 in 2007 and got third place in 2005. Despite his experience, this year’s race has gone slow for the veteran. He has a team of dogs which is young and inexperienced. Even though many of his dogs have raced well, he has to work hard in order keep up the pace and motivation.
This might have an effect on Bergby’s own motivation as well, as he has to work so much harder with the team of dogs than he is used to. The consequence is that he is not able to concentrate on planning his tactics. He’s main focus at all times is probably just getting to the next checkpoint. At this moment he has nine dogs in his team, midway to Varangerbotn.
Photo: Trude L. Paulsson