Ketil Reitan var eneste kjører i tetgruppen som drøyde den 16-timers obligatoriske hvilen, helt til Kirkenes. Med tolv uthvilte hunder, høy fart og ingen hvile i Neiden II, er han nå tilbake i tetstriden. Rett bak Ralph Johannessen i sporet.
Skrevet av: Niels Westphal/S.M. Arctander (transl.)
Dato: 16.03.2010 23:54
Ketil Reitan was the only musher in the leading group who took his 16 hour rest in Kirkenes. With twelve well rested dogs, high speed and no rest in Neiden II, he is now back in the front, just behind Ralph Johannessen.
The big question was whether or not Ketil Reitan’s dogs were able to restore themselves during their stop at Kirkenes. So far it seems to have worked. With the fastest speed from Kirkenes to Neiden II, his dogs seem to be fit. With rested dogs he could cut down on his rest in Neiden II and hence, get some lead on the other mushers.
No rest
That is exactly what Ketil Reitan did. In fact he just drove through Neiden II, and left for Varangerbotn as #2, only half and hour behind Johannessen who rested well over four hours at the checkpoint. Behind him Tunheim follows. Sørlie, Andersen and Dahl also hang in there, all with four or five hours rest at Neiden II.
The question now is whether or not Reitans dogs are able to keep up their high speed for another 82 Km., or if the effect of the rest in Kirkenes will wear off during the night, and the speed fall. When they arrive at Varangerbotn this morning, we will know if Reitans tactic has been a success.
Photo: Robin Opgaard