FL1000: Beautiful in Varangerbotn

I Varangerbotn leker de ikke sjekkpunkt. Her er 8. klasse ved Karlebotn skole i siste fase av forberedelsene til en storstilt mottakelse for Finnmarksløpet.

Skrevet av: Mina Sveen/ Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Dato: 16.03.2010 16:17

In Varangerbotn they take their status as checkpoint seriously. 8th grade from Karlebotn skole are here doing the last preparations for their grand welcoming of Finnmarksløpet.

The checkpoint in Varangerbotn is situated by the Coast Sami museum, and the esthetical is emphasized. When the teams arrive, they are met by a torchlit trail which leads them to a checkpoint decorated with snowsculptures and flags. Usually the whole village is there to welcome the mushers and Finnmarksløpet.

8th grade at Karlebotn skole is at the checkpoint to learn how to build snowsculptures from their teacher Roger Persson. It is however not only the schoolchildren who enjoy creating something out of snow. Persson shows us an igloo created by three bureaucrats from the local authorities in Vadsø. They usually works in FeFo and the Directorate of Fisheries, and Persson tells us that they put their heart and soul into the work that they did for Finnmarksløpet: - They were stiff all over the next day, he says.