Skrevet av: Stefan Sanne
Dato: 09.03.2004 12:25
Just now the news came that Jahnsen arrived 12:29 at the checkpoint. 250 people were greeting the leader in the open race. Still an hour behind him Frode Holten tries to catch up. Bjørnar Andersen has secured the third spot at the moment, because the winner of the last two years, Rune Johansen, has some trouble on the trail. Therefore he will not be able to catch up with Tove Sørensen and Tore Albrigtsen that passed through Svanvik just 5 minutes ahead of him. Johansen's team seems tired and especially the young dogs just want to lay down and rest. So there is nothing to do for Johansen but wait. He joked to his handler that he will never take along young dogs again.