Det er mange som er involvert i Finnmarksløpet og sekreteriatet får stadig inn telefoner fra folk som er ute i løypa.
Skrevet av: Hanne Rosenberg / Therese Hagerup (transl.)
Dato: 15.03.2010 12:41
There are a lot of people involved in Finnmarksløpet and the secretariat are constantly getting calls from people reporting from the tracks.
The last call reported that Wingren has passed Sivertvann ,still in great speed. It will be difficult for the others to beat this excellent Finnish musher at this point. The only way that can happen is if he gets what the mushers call "parking".
This means that the dogs decides to stop and will not go any further. This is a mental condition, which indicates that the dogs are mentally exhausted and not necessarily tired physically.
Hans Petter Dalby feels that Wingren is such an experienced musher that this is unlikely to happen to his dogs.