Da Elisabeth Edland startet ut fra sjekkpunkt Karasjok i kveld var det med litt gru hun så fram mot ferden over fjellovergangen til Jergul.
Written by: Kari Bjørkli Thomassen/S.M. Arctander (transl.)
Date: 14.03.2010 20:40
When Elisabeth Edland (51) started out form Karasjok tonight she shuddered to think of crossing Hundevidda on her way to Jergul.
www.yr.no reports -12 degrees, but it is not the temperature that makes the musher form Nannestad Norway to shudder. Hundevidda is known for strong wind and difficult conditions. When Edland started out at 20:22 she continues her fight against Ole Wingren who started out 45minutes earlier.
-This will be a hard fight, she said to Finnmarksløpet.
Ole Wingren from Finland is a fair bit ahead on the trail and leads at the moment FL500. In Karasjok the starting time was equalized so the first musher on the trail is the leader. But still much could happen. Wingren left two dogs behind and are racing with only six dogs, while Edland still has all eight dogs.
According Finnmarksløpet’s reporter at Karasjok, the dogs seemed very fit, but it is sure a loss of power for Wingren with fewer dogs.