Harald Tunheim kom inn til Tana 16:40, uoffisiell tid, med Ralph Johannessen like bak. Begge var tydelig slitne etter atskillig løsere spor på de siste milene før ankomst.
Written by: Dag B. Urdal/Anne-Mette Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 14.03.2010 17:00
Harald Tunheim arrived Tana at 16:40 hours, with Ralph Johannessen close behind. Both were very tired due to looser tracks on the last kilometers before the checkpoint.
Tunheim had one dog in his sled when he arrived and commented that the last part to checkpoint had been hard. The dogs were tired and Tunheim considers taking his 16 hours rest here in Tana.
Ralph Johannessen's (photo) team were also marked by the hard conditions on th elast leg towards the checkpoint in Tana. However, he did not say anything about where and when he is going to take his 16 hours break.
Both received a gift certificate of NOK 2.500 kroner from Tana assocation for commerce – for being among th ethree first teams to reach the checkpoint.