Ole Wingren har i dag satt ny løyperekord på strekket mellom Levajok og Karasjok i nyere tid med etappetid på 5 timer og 15 minutter.
Skrevet av: Hanne Rosenberg/Kari Bjørkli Thomassen
Dato: 14.03.2010 17:08
Ole Wingren from Finland has made new track record in "recent time" on the leg between Levajok and Karasjok with the time 5 hours and 15 minutes.
"Recent time" means, for Finnmarksløpet, after the race was re-arranged in 2003.
Wingrens son, Ronny Wingren, spent 6 hours and 16 minutes last year. Last year's winner, Arnt Olav Skjerve, spent two minutes more on this stretch in 2009.
In 1993 Norwegian musher Jan Navjord spent 4 hours and 17 minutes after 14 hours of rest at Levajok. Wingren rested 5 hours and 42 minutes at the same checkpoint this year. This shows that the speed of the team increases with more rest. What Wingren has done here is impressive.