Jostein Lindgren (24), opprinnelig fra Ulefoss, måtte bryte 500 km på Levajok i formiddag på grunn av akutte lungeproblemer. Han er nå på Kirkenes sykehus for røntgenundersøkelser.
Skrevet av: Dag B. Urdal/Anne-Mette Bjøru (transl.)
Dato: 14.03.2010 13:08
Jostein Lindgren (24), originally from Ulefoss in Norway, had to quit the 500 km at Levajok this morning due to lungproblems. He is now at the hospital in Kirkenes to get X-rays.
Lindgren was tired when he arrived at Levajok around 4 AM this morning. After taking care of the dogs he went to sleep. When he was woken up by his handlers a few hours later, he said that his lungs felt painful. They found it so serious that they contacted Finnmarksløpet's health-team who advised him to go to hospital for X-rays in order to check what has happened.
Ha was taken to the hospital in Kirkenes for further examinations.
According to Siri Fredheim, doctor in Finnmarksløpet's health-team, Lindgren was stabilized when he was sent off to hospital and she thinks that - considering the circumstances - he was in ok shape.