Sjekkpunkt Skoganvarre byr på god stemning for alle som kommer for å oppleve Finnmarksløpet.
Skrevet av: Erlend R. Strand/Anne-Mette Bjøru (transl.)
Dato: 13.03.2010 22:12
Checkpoint Skoganvarre offers a great atmosphere to everyone who wants to experience Finnmarksløpet.
Also the mushers receive a warm and cheerful welcoming when they arrive. Commentators update the audience continuously. Besides, Skoganvarre offers open fires, tents where they sell food and handicraft, as well as a light show and music.
Anna Fenger Lynge was there when it all started around 5 pm. - When I arrived there were few people here and no dogs, so I did not know what to believe, she says. Lynge saw the opening show which included both dance and song. When the first musher Elisabeth Edland arrived, more people had arrived. - The atmosphere was great and the audience cheered and sang for the mushers, she continues. It is the first time she sees Finnmarksløpet live and plans to floow the 500 km race. - I know some of the mushers and will cheer for them, Børge Johansen from Karasjok is one of them, she says.
Lynge also knows many who have contributed to the checkpoint at Skoganvarre. - My mother has an exhibit here with products made of leather and fur, she says and proudly holds up an example.
Great voluntary effort
Checkpoint chief Jan Arne Jakobsen has much experience in the sled-dog sport and is pleased with the checkpoint so far. - We got things organized early on. Besides, good foot-soldiers have helped and local people have made an effort, he says. The café is hectic. Food and coffee are served. - Right now we are seven people working here, says Hilde Johansen. She has a caravan at Skoganvarre and is glad to be a volunteer when needed. - It is good for the town that Finnmarksløpet comes through here. It brings happenings and activities, she says while serving food in the café.