FL1000: Skoganvarre

Sjekkpunkt Skoganvarre er et sydende folkehav i kveldstimene. Litt vanskelig å få oversikt over hva som skjer og hvorfor.

Written by: Anki Ødegaard/Anne-Mette Bjøru (transl.)
Date: 13.03.2010 22:11

Checkpoint Skoganvarre is flowing over with energetic people in the early evening hours. It is a bit hard to get an overview of what is going on and why.

It has gone fast, and it is a very close race so far. 19 mushers within 17 minutes. Ralph Johannesen and Harald Tunheim fastest, no surprise. Last years Norwegian Champion and winner of FL1000, Inger Marie Haaland is handling for cohabitant Ralph. She says that all is going according to plan. She praises checkpoint Skoganvarre for the improvement they have made since last year. Now the checkpoint is very well organized. Straw on the poles and depots at easy access for the mushers.

Photographer Trude L. Paulsson and musher Kjetil Backen have travelled by snowmobiles from the restart in Sorrisniva to Skoganvarre. Backen says that the tracks over to Skoganvarre have never been better. Photos from the stage will be uploaded gradually as the internet connection at Skoganvarre is limited.

Inger Marie Haaland, Skoganvarre