That's Mushing!

Skrevet av: Hans Petter Dalby/Anne-Mette Bjøru (transl.)
Dato: 23.10.2009 12:51

The French film photograper Thibaut Branquart has followed musher Emil Inauen from Switzerland. The viewers join a journey from Switzerland to La Grande Oyssèe and to Finnmarksløpet. You may watch the film promo here.

During Finnmarksløpet in 2008 Branquart followed Emil Inauen when he raced the 500 km. Unfortunately Emil had to quit the competition as he became sick early on in the race. Today Emil lives with his wife Barbara and 30 dogs in Folldal, Norway. He is a serious and merited musher who has achieved many good results; number 2 in La Grande Odyssèe in 2008 and number 5 in Finnmarksløpet in 2005. He is going to compete in the 1000 km of Finnmarksløpet for the first time in 2010. It will be very exciting to follow him and his fast dogs during the race.

You may order and watch a promo of the film "That's mushing" on the netsite of Grand Nord FILMS, klikk her


That’s Mushing! Is a fantastic journey into the everyday-life of a professional musher and his sled-dogs. The journey starts in Switzerland where Emil Inauen has established a kennel with approx. 30 Alaska Huskies, and we explore how he works with his dogs. You will learn how he successfully makes these dogs, that are known for being difficult to handle, into loving pets. Also you will see how he creates amazing athletes - dogs that are able to run for hours in extreme weather conditions.

Then we go to the French Alps where Emil and his team of dogs participate in La Grande Odyssèe. This is a long and hard race for both musher and dogs due to the extreme changes in altitude, more than 2000 meters .

After that we travel far north, way beyond the Polar Circle, to the Norwegian tundra where Emil and his wife, Barbara, partake on the cold tracks of Finnmarksløpet, the World's Northernmost Sled-dog Race.

During this unique journey you will get the chance to experience the special bonds between this man and his dogs on the trails that they share into beautiful wilderness!

Get on the sledge and MUSH!