Todays double

Skrevet av: Mina Sveen translated by Thibaut L.
Dato: 13.03.2009 02:39

The result of the seventh place was when the two crossed the finish line together at 02.33.  Eager GPS tracking followers commented that the two were shifting between the seventh and the eight place during the whole stage from Jotka. Karlstøm told that the they were actually shifting for the lead. As he dogs stopped at a certain moment, and tried to rest in the woods.

They were around thirty enthusiastics at the finish line this night, both fans and the welcomes group of the drivers. The two drivers had a shouting group of people waiting for them. The drivers really appreciated it to see their family and helpers again. The times were taking in account; there will be some very tired pupils at school tomorrow!



Harald Tunheim and son
Arne Karlstrøm