Roger Dahl is the crowd favourite

Skrevet av: Kari Bjørkli Thomassen / Translator Elisabeth S.
Dato: 11.03.2009 16:04

Some online medias have put up polls where the readers can vote for who they believe will win Finnmarksløpet 1000 km. View the results here!

It is the two local Finnmark newspapers, Finnmark Dagblad and Altaposten, who let their online readers make predictions, and maybe not unexpected, the local who has been in the lead since Kirkenes is the readers clear favorite. 

According to Finnmark Dagblad 48 percent of their readers believe that Mr. Finnmarksløpet, Roger Dahl, will win the race, while as many as 64 percent has him as their favorite at Altaposten.    

After Dahl, many readers also believe in Nina Skramstad. At Finnmark Dagblad the fearless lady recieved 24.5 percent of the votes, and at Altaposten she got 19 percent. Next is Kjell Brennodden with respectively 9,6 and 8 percent of the votes.  

Harald Tunheim has not asserted himself in the lead this year, but is now fifth in towards Levajok. The readers have not written him off, and gives him 9.6 and 3 percent of the votes.   

Here are the results:

Finnmark Dagblad:
Roger Dahl 47,9
Nina Skramstad 24,5
Kjell Brennodden 9,6
Harald Tunheim 9,6
Arne Karlstrøm 5,3
Trond Ørslien 3,2
Inger-Marie Haaland 0

Total: 96 votes

Roger Dahl 64
Nina Skramstad 19
Kjell Brennodden 8
Arne Karlstrøm 3
Harald Tunheim 3
Andre 3
Trond Ørslien 1
Inger-Marie Haaland 0

Total: 74 votes

(Polls: 11. mars kl. 15.30)