FL1000: Roger Dahl really satisfied

Skrevet av: Ann-Kristin Laeskogen, translator: Nicholas Snyder
Dato: 10.03.2009 13:21

Roger Dahl arrived to Neiden II at 12:21 in bright sun and in good driving. Roger is Roger is just as happy now as he was on the previous Checkpoint.

The dogs are feeling good and he wants to bring them all further to Varangerbotn. No problems, they're completely relaxed and hungry as a wolf. He have droven some minutes faster than Nina Skramstad into Neiden, but Roger points that this has no significance during this stadium of the race. We suggest that he looks insolently quick as the race goes on. Roger smiles and says that he drives like this due to his natural stimulation in form of adrenalin. He's dangerous when is in this modus, says Mr.Finnmarskløpet.


Foto: Ole Johnny Myhrvold


Foto: Ole Johnny Myhrvold

Roger Dahl Inn I Neiden

Foto: Ole Johnny Myhrvold

Nina Skramstad I Kirkenes

Foto: Ole Johnny Myhrvold

I Kirkenes

Foto: Ole Johnny Myhrvold