Written by: Dag B. Urdal; translated by Natalia Undozerova
Date: 10.03.2008 19:35
As Katy Meier and Jan Vidar Dahle left Jotka at 18:42 and 18:43 respectively, the finish is likely to be at 22:30 or later. Tension in 8-dog class race is growing every minute. The question is who has better nerve and better chances on the way to Alta.
It is probable that Meier chooses to run behind Dahle before springing forward near the river when approaching Alta. According to her husband and handler, the dogs she has now in the team are rather robust, and they are able to spring forward if it's needed. He admits though that the last five miles are crucial for this year's 500km race.
Recent: Just now it has been confirmed that Dahle gave Meier the slip! Dahle passed Jotkaveien, about one mile after Jotka, five minutes and fifteen seconds earlier than Meier. Wingren passed Jotka at 19:30.