Wonderful winter conditions in Finnmark

Skrevet av: Hanne Rosenberg/Audur Inga Olafsdot
Dato: 13.02.2004 10:10

The starting day of this years most beautiful winter adventure, Finnmarksløpet, approaches. Those who are going to participate in this years race are without a doubt occupied studying the winter and conduct conditions in the region. The manager, Kari Jæger, is constantly receiving inquiries from excited drivers, wondering how conditions are in the region.

In relation to this, we have been in contact with those who work within Finnmarksløpet in the West-Finnmark region and the East-Finnmark region. Hans Petter Dalby, who has the responsibility for the conduct in the West region, has announced that the conditions in the West region area, and around Alta, are very good.

Egil Isaksen, who is responsible for the conduct in the East region has given the same declaration. He is very optimistic about the conditions right now and says that, compared with last years conditions at this time, the conditions for this year is optimal, if the weather remains stable.

Christer Høk, who makes the race track in Tana, has declared tonight that Tana has had a decent winter, leaving 70 cm snow on the ground, which makes the condition for the race at its optimal. The conclution, then, is that these three men agree that condtion for the race, including the trace for the dogs, paws and people, are all at its optimal, and will stay that way if weather conditions remain stable.

This picture is taken last year and shows how
though the conditions were then. This year the
track looks much better. Photo: Egil Isaksen