Skrevet av: Gunnar Thomasson: Translator Marco Gerdy Grimnitz
Dato: 08.03.2008 15:00
The cultural program of Finnmarklopet was opened today with an appearence by "Alias Ellen and Guests" . The performance was followed by City representatives from Alta and Tana together being interviewed by Erling Borgen.
Both city representatives are delighted now that the race is well underway.
- Finnmarksløpet is of great importance to Finnmark, it brings the people and communities closer together, said Alta representative, Ger Ove Bakken.
- Its great that the communitys profile is strengthend and that the peacecorps choosen to engage this year, said Frank Ingilæ, representative from Tana.
Having the peacecorps in the event this years is something Ger Ove Bakken finds very positive.
- It brings another dimension to the race, he says.