Written by: Marit Rein; Translator; Melanie K Clegg
Date: 17.02.2008 17:14
This year, Finnmarksløpet will be messenger for the UN’s millenium goals. Dog sleds will transport the eight millenium goals around the whole of Finnmark county. – It is absolutely fantastic that we can be ambassadors for such a universal and important message, says Hanne Rosenberg, executive director for Finnmarksløpet.
Transported by sled
Eight mushers in the 1000km race will each carry one of the UN’s millenium goals in their sled. They will be transported by the four-legged competitors, and delivered to various checkpoints. Local arrangements will be held, based on the themes of the millenium goals that arrive at the checkpoints.
– We are very focused on the locality of the race event, but this is a great opportunity to raise our sights. We can help to raise awareness around the millenium goals, themes that affect us all, says Rosenberg.
Record entrants
At the turn of the year, there were a record 129 mushers entered for the race. Never before in the race’s 28-year history have there been so many foreign competitors. Countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Scotland and Wales are represented this year, in addition to regular participation from Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Spain.
– We are part of an international happening, something that draws a great deal of focus. The challenge is to hold focus on our local identity and that that makes us special. It is this that makes Finnmarksløpet special amongst other races, says Rosenberg, and repeats her often-used phrase:
– We can’t be successful out there, before we are successful at home.
Local identity
The home success reaches new heights every year, seen in terms of the amount of involvement in and around the race. There are now permanent fairs and arrangements in the municipalities that the race goes through, and culture plays an important part during the whole race week.
– Our challenge for the future is to focus even more on our local identity and that that makes us special; to be conscious that the race is held in the northernmost region – one that is becoming more and more important, says Rosenberg.
Read more about the UN’s eight millenium goals here