Skrevet av: Arne Oddvar Nilsen
Dato: 08.12.2003 17:27
The number of teams signed in to this winters Finnmarksløp, have made a problem clearing space for all the teams in the start area and also at the first checkpoints.
The trail committee works to solve the thorny problem that have arisen in the Start area and at the two first checkpoints Joatka and Skoaganvarre due to the large number of teams. To Joatka and Skoganvarre almost all the teams arrive within a very limited period of time. In Joatka Finnmarksløpet has experienced that most of the teams just check in and out, but in Skoganvarre most of the teams take a longer brake.
Femundløpet has discussed this problem some years ago. They choose to split the start so that open class start on Friday and limited on Saturday.