Written by: Stig-Martin Arctander
Date: 15.03.2007 15:30
Antje Greschuchna, Sarah Kissling Julia Rosenau and Sandra Ziegler are working as translaters at the Finnmarksløpet presscentre. They make sure, together with Stefan Sanne, that everyting written on the webpage is translated into German.
All four girls are exchange students in Alta, three at the College and one at the highschool. At the College they study Tourism Management while economy is the subject at the highschool. But this week they will not be much at school. Now it is only Finnmarksløpet that counts.
When they started the German page was not updated, so they interviewed German mushers for the German readers. Now the page is updated and they work long hours to keep it à jour. - We are here almost all day, they told me, and it is great fun to meet people from Alta, mushers and handlers. We are learning a lot about dogmushing, but a good deal of Norwegian too.
Their eyes are shining when they talk about how fascinating it is to work with Finnmarksløpet. This is an experience for life! There is no doubt that the experience they have had with Finnmarksløpet will be given the most attention when they are going to tell their friends in Germany and Switzerland about their time in Alta.
When it comes to the competition they are obviously most interested in the German speaking mushers, but they especially hope that Thomas Hoffmann will finish the race. His book about Finnmarksløpet has been important for their understanding of expressions within the sport.