Skrevet av: Dag Urdal . Trans:Shuqi Dong
Dato: 13.03.2007 12:17
10 of the mushers got a GPS sender when they started in Alta on Saturday. These senders are very powerful and via the GSM-net, Telenor's modern mobile-net, they send signals with an accuracy of down to six meters via available map-data. For it to work it is necessary that the sender functions, that the batteries work and that there is a mobile-signal where the sled and sender is situated.
In the 500 km race we had some technical problems with some of the senders, but we have tested them and have seven senders that work. These are going to be put in the sled of mushers who arrived first to Neiden. So from then on you can log on to the link second to the top on the right side of the Norwegian page (called: Følg kjørerne direkte via GPS) and follow the mushers - almost LIVE online.