Lost in Lakselv

Skrevet av: Dag Urdal, Stefan Sanne (übers.)
Dato: 11.03.2007 09:46

There were three dog sled teams that lost the path in the dark of the night yesterday. They had left Skoganvare around half past two and ended up in Lakselv instead of Levajok. Find out what happened.

About three kilometres outside of Skoganvarre the Finnmarksløpet trail crosses the lake Gaggajavri and it was here that the teams made the wrong turn. At a crossing on the lake they followed the snowmobile tracks straight to the north instead of to the east towards the mountains. They got confused by the obvious trail that was clearly marked and showed dog paw prints as well.

After round about four hours the understood for good that they had ended up on a false track. Emil Inauen had had suspicions before, but the clear marking reassured them otherwise. They ended up at a farmers house near Lakselv. The owners are taking good care of the unluck mushers at present time. Two of the three, the swiss couple Barbara and Emil Inauen chose to finish the race to spare the dogs the long way back to the trail. This would have resulted in an appr. 14 hour long trip. Not the right kind of experience for the young dogs in his team.

The Norwegian Johanne Sundby has chosen to attempt the return to the trail, to continue and maybe still finish the race.