Written by: Anne-Mette Bjøru
Date: 07.03.2007 13:33
Log on to NRKsport.no this Saturday at 11.45 local time to see the start of Finnmarksløpet. Directly! Live! Online! Also: trace the race on Google Earth.
This year you can also get to know the race in greater detail via GoogleEarth. NRK, Norwegian National TV, has in collaboration with staff at Finnmarksløpet downloaded the trail, added information about the checkpoints and photos from different places along the trail.
All you need is to download Google Earth and click on to Finnmarksløpet`s trail The download is free.
Once you have downloaded Google Earth you may click on the site to move along the trail, zoom in and out, check out the photos from last years' race and read about checkpoints.