Written by: Roger Persson Translator: Melanie Clegg
Date: 14.02.2007 16:41
The ice on the fjord stretches as far as the eye (and the camera) can see. The king of the forest (the elk) makes use of the good weather to inspect the trail.
Picture: Roger Persson
At last - solid ice under the sled where the trail wends its way over the Polar Sea. So far, the mild winter has kept the fjord open. Maybe the trail would have to take a land-based route to the checkpoint at Varangerbotn?
With the sun came the frost!
The weekend that saw the sun’s return brought also a return to freezing temperatures. A whole week of frost allowed the ice to form and thicken over the fjord. If the strong winds of 25 Jan had come from the east, the ice could have been ruined, but fortunately, the winds came from the south-west, so no damage was done. The plan is now to mark the trail across the ice, just as in the past two years there has been a checkpoint at Varangerbotn.