Skrevet av: Arne Oddvar Nilsen
Dato: 03.08.2006 13:53
- It has been a somewhat unusual situation since Finnmarksløpet 2006, Hanne Rosenberg said. - I had to go to Oslo during the last days of the 2006 race because my mother became seriously ill. We thought we should loose her, but fortunately she is still among us despite repeated crises. She is a strong woman and has defeated the death again and again. This situation has led me often to be away from the office, and with only one employee the consequences for the service are unfavourable. But, sometimes in life one have to give something priority, and I hope to gain appreciation for that. Immediately, now I am there and I am enjoying the work.
Exciting job.
Hanne has begun her second season as executive manager of Finnmarksløpet and we ask her what trigs her in this job. - I am fascinated by the race, by the dogs and by the mushers. All the volunteers working with the race also is an important factor of motivation. They are an incredible group of beautiful peoples becoming almost as family to me. You get a sense of belonging and solidarity you have to look a long time to find. The cooperation with our partners is exciting and some major ones have joined us for the years to come. This creates a predictability that is of priceless importance for The Race. Also of priceless value to The Race are our partners in Eastern Finnmark: The peoples in and around Øst-Finnmark Sled Dog Club, themunicipality of Tana, Nesseby and Sør-Varanger and representatives of the business community there - which really support The Race not only in words but also in action!
This is of extremely importance for Finnmarksløpet.
Finally, Hanne adds on phone from Oslo: - Telenor, one of our main sponsors has fixed me a splendid mobile office which puts me in the position to be able to work with The Race wherever in the world I must be. This able me to stay close to may mother her last days and also work with Finnmarksløpet.
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