Skrevet av: Mina B. Sveen/ Camilla Nilsen
Dato: 11.03.2006 11:30
The first woman ever to be among the top three in the 1000 km race is excessively awake after having given her very best for almost a week. This is truly on the border for what a person can take, says May Conny Johansen a few hours after crossing the finishing line, still bursting with joy. Right now undoubtfully the coolest lady in Alta.
Picture: May-Conny Johansen and Rita Halvik, shedding some tears together in the finishing area. In the background; May-Conny's husband, Rune Johansen.
I am sitting here and it feels as if I have won cheers third-place medallist May Conny Johansen at the crack of dawn today. She is the first woman ever to finish among the top three in the Finnmarksløpet race, and is in the clouds after the impressive achievement. People around me says I look very fit she says. I am so excited! I have not had the chance to take a shower or get some sleep or anything yet, but I do not think it will happen in the next hours says Johansen. This however, is not a feeling she has had all this week. From checkpoint Sirbma it was really bad she says, really bordering on what I could take, and I had an acrid taste in my mouth all the way to Alta. When seeing the first dry branches of birch I was so happy and thought; «Yes! Now we are descending into the woods» (Meaning the end of the race not far in sight).