Written by: Ingvild Müller/Anne-Mette Bjøru (trans)
Date: 10.03.2006 01:41
The fight for victory in Finnmarksløpet is between two men. Veteran Harald Tunheim is challenged by Hans Petter Dalby. But the fight is also between two ladies. Leaders Pusan (photo) and Kaisa. It is these superdogs that will determine the final result of Finnmarksløpet 2006.
Harald Tunheim had no doubts about who were going to lead the team home to Alta Thursday night. Superdogs Thira, 4 years old, and Pusan, 5 years old, have been leaders all through just about the whole race. It has gone really well! They are two girls who's been working very hard the whole way, they follow commands and keep a strong head in all kinds of weather. Pusan completed 1000 kilometers when Harald got 2nd place last year, and Thira finished the 500 km race - so they both have much experience in long distance races.
It is important that the whole team work well together, and that they have a leader who is respected. Harald took out the dog he's been using as leader for many years, Freyr, just days before the race started. The challenge was to make the new leader respected by the other dogs in the team, something that seems to have worked out well.
Hans Petter Dalby's sweetiepie Kaisa (right) was chosen to lead the team home to Alta. Kaisa has been part of many races before, and she knows the trail well. He chose to put Mons (left) next to Kaisa, originally Are Baker's dog, to keep up the speed on the way home. Mons has been the leader all the way to Levajok II and has done an incredible job.
- Dalby will probably use two of Are's lead dogs when he approaches the city centre so that they don't go straight to Strand Camping and home. If that happens he will loose a lot of time, explains one of Hans Petter's handlers.
The end will be very exciting. Tunheim vs Dalby. Pusan vs Kaisa. Who wins the 1000 km race?
Photo: Kjetil Vaage Øie