Skrevet av: Dag B. Urdal/Anne-Mette Bjøru (trans)
Dato: 08.03.2006 15:08
- If I had magic powers I could not have tricked anything more fantastic than Finnmarksløpet! This is what a tired but happy rookie, Dan Ditlefsen (21) said spontaneously when he crossed the finish line in Alta right before 1 pm today. - This trip has been fantastic, continued the first timer from Sortland.
Right behind came Paul Antoni Nilsen (photo) from Vadsø to goal after his 500 km long trip across Finnmarksvidda. He was also, just like Ditlefsen, very happy about his trip across the mountain plateau despite the cold and the looooong way. Those of us who were present as they crossed the finish line registered only smiles and laughter. It seemed like both of them felt priviledged to participate in the race even though it has cost them time, money and a whole lot of sweat to take part in the adventure.
- Even though it has been tiring it has been a great learning experience and very exciting, says Ditlefsen, who did not think the cold was too bad. Mushers are used to different conditions, he continues. He is a rookie in Finnmarksløpet but has had dogs as a hobby since he was 14. As most people in this game, he has become totally hooked - dog sleighing has become a lifelong fascination.
Nilsen is no less fascinated. - Experiencing the splendid nature, like for example across Gaissene yesterday, and the unique cooperation and communication with the dogs that I have had during this trip makes it worth continuing with the sport, he says. - It makes up for lack of sleep, coldness and struggles, he continues.
Both are sure that they'll be back, maybe even for the 1000 km in a while, and by that they confirm that Dog Sleighing is a type of "chronic disease" that it is hard to get rid of.