Written by: Anne-Mette Bjøru
Date: 08.03.2006 08:56
Roger Dahl arrived Varangerbotn at 07.04 this morning, closely followed by Hans Petter Dalby at 07.13. Harald Tunheim came out at the same time after about 4 hours rest and started to prepare his dogs for departure.
The thriller is getting more intense! On this sunny morning in Varangerbotn three teams were lined up beside each other by the fjord. The mushers are concentrated and working quickly and hard with their dogs. Harald Tunheim is waking his dogs, making them ready for a new leg. Roger Dahl and Hans Petter Dalby are busy boiling water and getting the dogs into their eating and resting mode. They are rubbing moisturizers against the cold, dressing the dogs in covers and taking good care of their animals. They say that they are following their race-plan - however, they keep secret what the plan is.
Hans Petter Dalby has raced fastest from the last check point. He spent 6 hours and 43 minutes from Neiden to Varangerbotn, which is 2 minutes less than Harald Tunheim. Roger Dahl has used about 30 minutes more than the other two on this distance.
Latest news: Harald Tunheim left Varangerbotn at 08.05.