Skrevet av: Arne O. NIlsen/Marit Holm
Dato: 07.02.2006 19:03
Finnmarksløpet is collaborating with the Norwegian Food Safety Authorities to secure that all dogs attending the 2006 Race have all papers concering import of dogs to Norway, in order. The Norwegian Food Safety Authorities will according to this check all dogs before the Race.
Thursday the 2. of march between 9am to 11am, the Norwegian Authorities will come to Strand Camping and check the papers for import of dogs to Norway. They are espesially interested in the treatment against the parasite Echinococcus multilokularis. It has to be done in the correct manner, earliest 10 days before the dogs leave their home-country and within 6 days after arrival to Norway (or Sweeden). This treatment should be dokumented by a veterinarian in each country and in Norway from a Norwegian veterinarian.
Thursday the 2. of march between 9am to 11am at Strand Camping
If the musher do not show up to this meeting, he/she would have to contact the authorities him/herself and make an appointment about a check of the import-papers in the days before start. The adress and phone number to the authorities is:
Norwegian Food Safety Authorities
Visiting adress: Alma Halses vei 1
Office phone: +47 78 43 25 50
Website in English
Ms. Gudrun: +47 99 38 71 10
Ms. Vibeke: +47 99 51 61 11
The mushers who do not get the import papers checked before start, will most likely be contacted by the authorities during the race. And if the papers are not in order, the musher can be sent out of the country within 24 hours.
Veterinary offices in Alta where you can get your documentation for parasite treament:
Alta Dyreklinikk
Industrivei 2
tlf: +47 78 43 58 66
Komsa Dyreklinikk
Altavei 281
tlf: +47 78 44 58 00
Marit Holm
Head Veterinarian FL-2006