Written by: Niels Westphal
Date: 03.09.2005 19:52
- I knew that Finnmarksløpet gets a lot of coverage, but that it was so much and also outside our own county was a positive surprise that made me happy. This says Bjørn Søderholm, mayor in Porsanger municipality in Finnmark who recently met representatives from Finnmarksløpet.
During a meeting with Finnmarksløpets representative, Executive Manager Hanne Rosenberg, the mayor was introduced to statistics on the media coverage of this years’ Finnmarksløp and he was impressed.
Finnmarksløpet is watching the media
Every year Finnmarksløpet buys a service from Observer, a media monitoring agency. They monitor all Norwegian media; newspapers, TV, radio, teletext, etc. and registers all media coverage on Finnmarksløpet in February and March every year. Finnmarksløpet continuously receives all clippings from the nations’ newspapers and an overview of what other media that has published or broadcast stories about Finnmarksløpet. After the two month period Finnmarksløpet receives a report, and the race has had a large increase in coverage from last year, in number of people hearing about the race.
2004s coverage of 14 000 000, was increased to 26 000 000 this year. This years clippings are collected in two big folders which shows that it is a large amount of press coverage of the race.
- One thing is presenting these numbers, Rosenberg says, but showing the folders makes people impressed. It makes it obvious and clear how big this is. When checking out the number of hits on the web-page www.finnmarkslopet.no which had 4 000 000 hits last year and 6 000 000 hits during a few hectic weeks in March this year, we are very pleased and understand that the media is interested in the race.
Porsanger municipality wants to cooperate
The race has passed through Porsanger for many years and at the beginning of the 90s Finnmarksløpet, businesses and the municipality in Porsanger cooperated. Lately this has not worked well, but there is again a great interest in working together. To get started the mayor gave the people in Finnmarksløpet’s administration some challenges to work with in the fall.
Translated from Norwegian by Anne-Mette Bjøru